About GBN


BBMRI-ERIC is a pan-European infrastructure of national biobank networks.The abbreviation BBMRI-ERIC stands for “Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure – European Research Infrastructure Consortium”. Here, GBN represents the interests of German biobanks.


BBMRI-ERIC is building a pan-European biobank research infrastructure to facilitate access to biospecimens and associated data as research ressources and to support high-quality biomedical research. BBMRI-ERIC is funded by the participating member states and their national biobank nodes. The German Biobank Node (GBN) represents the interests of the German biobanks in this pan-European network.

BBMRI-ERIC currently comprises 20 member states and five observers and is hence one of the largest research infrastructures in Europe.

Members: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Slovenia and Switzerland.

Observers: Denmark, Spain, Switzerland, Qatar, Turkey, IARC/WHO

Nordic Conference on Future Health

Nordic Conference on Future Health
10.- 12. September 2024
Trondheim, Norway

In 2024, the biobank and research communities will join forces for a special Nordic-wide community gathering to explore the present and future of precision health. 


  • Overviews of precision prevention, diagnosis, and treatment in the Nordics
  • Research symposia covering the breadth of cutting-edge research
  • Critical discussion of the issues important to Nordic biobanks
  • Funding priorities
  • Legal and ethical consideration
  • Citizen involvement
  • Policy discussions about the best way forward

Call for abstracts

The call for abstracts has now opened and the submission deadline for those wanting to be eligible for a travel fellowship and/or if you would like to submit an oral presentation is Wednesday, April 22, 2024. More information can be found here

Website Nordic Conference on Future Health

Nordic Conference on Future Health

Nordic Conference on Future Health
10.- 12. September 2024
Trondheim, Norway

In 2024, the biobank and research communities will join forces for a special Nordic-wide community gathering to explore the present and future of precision health. 


  • Overviews of precision prevention, diagnosis, and treatment in the Nordics
  • Research symposia covering the breadth of cutting-edge research
  • Critical discussion of the issues important to Nordic biobanks
  • Funding priorities
  • Legal and ethical consideration
  • Citizen involvement
  • Policy discussions about the best way forward

Call for abstracts

The call for abstracts has now opened and the submission deadline for those wanting to be eligible for a travel fellowship and/or if you would like to submit an oral presentation is Wednesday, April 22, 2024. More information can be found here

Website Nordic Conference on Future Health



Tel. +49. 30. 450 536 347

Fax +49. 30. 450 753 69 38

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