About GBN

Further networks

GBN cooperates closely with the TMF Working Group “Biobanks” as well as the German Centres for Health Research and the National Cohort. This allows continuous exchange with all national biobanks and integrated networks involved in the biobanking of human samples.

German Centres for Health Research

To fight widespread diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular, metabolic, infectious, lung or neurodegenerative diseases is the central concern of the German Centres for Health Research (DZG). They were founded with the support of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The multi-site biobanks of the various DZG facilitate research projects on a national level with a long-term perspective.

German Cancer Consortium (DKTK)
German Centre for Lung Research (DZL)
German Centre for Infection Research (DZIF)
German Centre for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK)
German Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)
German Centre for Diabetes Research (DZD)

The National Cohort

The National Cohort is an association of research institutes in Germany that are jointly conducting a long-term population study with 200,000 participants. The test persons will be examined medically and questioned about their lifestyle habits at 18 study centres over the next ten years. The central activity of the National Cohort is the collection of numerous different biosamples from all participants. This shall enable studies on the causes of widespread diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, dementia and infectious diseases, in order to pioneer ways towards effective prevention, early recognition, diagnostics and therapy. The National Cohort further emphasises the importance of biobanking for medical research.

Permanent Working Party of Research Ethics Committees

The „Arbeitskreis Medizinischer Ethik-Kommissionen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V." (AK EK, Permanent Working Party of Research Ethics Committees in Germany) established in 1983, harmonises the activities of the ethics commissions, particularly in the decision making and procedural issues. It offers further training on the work of ethics commissions and promotes the exchange of ideas and experience on a national and international level. It takes a stand on issues of the ethics commissions in public discourse.

Its members currently include 50 out of the 52 ethics commissions formed under national law. The results of the Working Party protect patients, test persons and researchers.

The Biobanks Working Group of AK EK has drafted a sample text for the donation, storage and use of biomaterials as well as for the collection, processing and extensive use of data in biobanks; the corresponding documents are also available in English. All documents can be found on the website of the AK EK.

Nordic Conference on Future Health

Nordic Conference on Future Health
10.- 12. September 2024
Trondheim, Norway

In 2024, the biobank and research communities will join forces for a special Nordic-wide community gathering to explore the present and future of precision health. 


  • Overviews of precision prevention, diagnosis, and treatment in the Nordics
  • Research symposia covering the breadth of cutting-edge research
  • Critical discussion of the issues important to Nordic biobanks
  • Funding priorities
  • Legal and ethical consideration
  • Citizen involvement
  • Policy discussions about the best way forward

Call for abstracts

The call for abstracts has now opened and the submission deadline for those wanting to be eligible for a travel fellowship and/or if you would like to submit an oral presentation is Wednesday, April 22, 2024. More information can be found here

Website Nordic Conference on Future Health

Nordic Conference on Future Health

Nordic Conference on Future Health
10.- 12. September 2024
Trondheim, Norway

In 2024, the biobank and research communities will join forces for a special Nordic-wide community gathering to explore the present and future of precision health. 


  • Overviews of precision prevention, diagnosis, and treatment in the Nordics
  • Research symposia covering the breadth of cutting-edge research
  • Critical discussion of the issues important to Nordic biobanks
  • Funding priorities
  • Legal and ethical consideration
  • Citizen involvement
  • Policy discussions about the best way forward

Call for abstracts

The call for abstracts has now opened and the submission deadline for those wanting to be eligible for a travel fellowship and/or if you would like to submit an oral presentation is Wednesday, April 22, 2024. More information can be found here

Website Nordic Conference on Future Health



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