German Biobank Alliance

Interdisciplinary Biomaterial Bank and Database Frankfurt (iBDF)

Clinical Biobank, Tissue Biobank, Liquid Biobank

About us

The Interdisciplinary Biomaterial Bank and Database Frankfurt (iBDF) organises the collection and storage of various biospecimens in compliance with quality assurance and data protection guidelines. These biosamples are available for assessed research projects according to a procedure accepted by the Ethics Committee and the Data Protection Agencies. The biobank’s focus lies on the collection of biosamples from patients with tumours, cardiovascular or psychiatric diseases, as well as from polytrauma patients.

The samples collected are residual tissue, blood, bone marrow and other body fluids extracted during treatment/surgery for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes. These are stored for logistical reasons at various locations of the University Hospital Frankfurt, including Pathology, Neuropathology, Haematology, Virology, Microbiology, Psychiatry, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, the Trauma Centre and Cardiology.

The iBDF’s project management is responsible for the registration of the biospecimens and their annotation with clinical information using a powerful IT solution (CentraXX). This allows information from the clinical documentation and biosamples collections to be merged.


Clinical Biobank, Tissue Biobank, Liquid Biobank

Accreditation and/or certification

Certified, DIN EN ISO 9001:2015


Participation in GBN activities in quality management

Round robin tests

Tissue RNA: 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023/24 Liquid DNA: 2018, 2020 PBMC: 2020, 2021

Friendly audits

2019, 2020, 2022

Key figures


available derivatives


available solid samples


dispensed samples in 2021


supported projects in 2021

Funding bodies and partners


University Hospital Frankfurt

Interdisciplinary Biomaterial Bank and Database Frankfurt (iBDF)

Theodor-Stern-Kai 7

60590 Frankfurt am Main

Prof. Dr. Christian Brandts

Head of iBDF





Tel. +49. 30. 450 536 347

Fax +49. 30. 450 753 69 38

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