Über uns
The LMU MedBiobank is an umbrella organisation for the biobanks of the LMU Hospital and Faculty of Medicine at the two sites in Grosshadern and the city centre. The LMU MedBiobank is coordinated by the staff unit of the Medical Directorate "Digital Medicine and LMU MedBiobank", headed by Dr Joachim Havla. On the IT side, the LMU MedBiobank is supported by MeDICLMU (the local data integration centre).
LMU MedBiobank "2.0" pursues a coordinative approach, primarily with the aim of establishing standards for biobanking at the LMU Medical Centre among the "participating institutions" and making existing biobanking comprehensively visible and usable. The biobank on behalf of the HTCR Foundation, represented by HTCR-Services GmbH, is one of the "participating institutions", as is the LMU Institute of Pathology.
Clinical Biobank, Tissue Biobank, Liquid Biobank
Accreditation or certification
Accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17020, in co-operation with the Institute of Pathology
Participation in GBN measures in quality management
Friendly Audits
Förderer und Partner
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
LMU MedBiobank
Stabsstelle Digitale Medizin
PD Dr. Joachim Havla
Leitung LMU MedBiobank
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