Working groups

At the heart of the biobanking community

Shaping, improving and advancing together - in the working groups and task forces of the German Biobank Node (GBN) and the German Biobank Alliance (GBA), experts are committed to further developing key topics in the biobank landscape. Find out more about their activities and how you can get involved.


The working groups (WGs) and task forces (TFs) of GBN and GBA are central platforms for cooperation and innovation. Long-term areas of work such as quality management or training are continuously monitored in the WGs. The TFs, on the other hand, have a clearly defined remit: they disband as soon as their goal or product has been achieved.

What particularly characterises these groups is their collaborative spirit: representatives of various biobanks and the GBN contribute their expertise, exchange knowledge and jointly develop solutions that benefit the entire community. The range of topics is broad - from stakeholder engagement to financing concepts and data quality. The intensive exchange creates synergies that strengthen biobanks in Germany in the long term.

Call for collaboration

New members welcome: Additional representatives of GBA biobanks, both partners and observers, can join the working groups and task forces at any time. Please contact the GBN office (e-mail:, phone +49 30 450 - 536 347).


  • WG Data quality
    (Lead: Julian Dörenberg, Tübingen, and Daniel Brucker, Frankfurt)
  • WG Financing
    (Lead: Romy Kirsten, Mannheim)
  • WG Education and training
    (Lead: Sara Nußbeck, Göttingen)
  • WG Tissue
    (Lead: Katja Steiger, Munich, and Alexander Brobeil, Heidelberg)
  • WG Liquid
    (Lead: Michael Kiehntopf, Jena)
    (Lead: Philipp Schöppner, Marburg)
  • WG Quality programme
    (Lead: Nhutuyen Nguyen, GBN)
  • WG Stakeholder Management
    (Lead: Ronny Baber, Leipzig, and Verena Huth, GBN)
  • TF Competence matrix
    (Lead: Alexandra Stege, Berlin, and Daniel Brucker, Frankfurt)
  • TF Local hubs
    (Lead: Heidi Altmann, Dresden, and Alexandra Nieters, Freiburg)


Tel. +49. 30. 450 536 347

Fax +49. 30. 450 753 69 38

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