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From an IT tool for the cross-location search for sample data, a QM handbook, to further education offers – the report features “highlights“ of GBN and GBA.
Preanalytics in vivo and ex vivo, the microbiome and standardization of liquid biopsies - the Biospecimen Research Symposium took place from 5th to 6th February in Berlin.
BBMRI-ERIC and the UKCRC Tissue Directory and Coordination Centre are looking for biobank staff and researchers to provide feedback about BBMRI-ERIC's services.
“Isolating DNA from blood and determining quality and quantity” was the subject of the third on-site training session, which took place in Hanover on two dates in January.
Alliance partners benefit from an IT connection to GBA’s decentralised sample search, quality management offers, and an intensive experience exchange.
Vom 5. bis 6. Februar 2019 findet das von ISBER und GBN gemeinsam veranstaltete Biospecimen Research Symposium in Berlin statt.
German biobanks have contributed numerous biomaterial samples and associated data from colon cancer patients to a European research project.
Um Tumore zu klassifizieren, sollen künftig verstärkt Algorithmen zum Einsatz kommen. Frederick Klauschen entwickelt solche Computerassistenten.
Ziel der Maßnahme ist, durch die Förderung wissenschaftsinitiierter früher klinischer Studien bis Phase II dazu beizutragen, dass neue Therapieansätze weiterverfolgt werden.
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