GBN & GBA auf der Europe Biobank Week

Unter dem Motto „Strengthening Biobanks and Biorepositories: Collaborative approaches for a sustainable future“ findet die Europe Biobank Week in diesem Jahr vom 14. bis 17. Mai in Wien statt. Sie wird von BBMRI-ERIC (Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure – European Research Infrastructure Consortium) und ESBB (European, Middle Eastern and African Society for Biopreservation and Biobanking) gemeinsam veranstaltet. 

Das vollständige Konferenz-Programm finden Sie hier. Vertreter*innen des German Biobank Node (GBN) und der German Biobank Alliance (GBA) beteiligen sich mit zahlreichen Vorträgen, Poster-Beiträgen und als Session-Chairs am Programm der EBW.


  • D. Brucker (Interdisciplinary Biobank and Database Frankfurt): Educational program for biobank personnel and interested persons​
  • H. Altmann (BioBank Dresden): Starter kit: a practice-oriented guideline for the establishment and operation of professional biobanks​
  • V. Huth (GBN): A Decade of Outreach: Communication Strategies tailored to Different Stakeholders - Best Practices of the German Biobank Node​
  • S. Heiling (Integrated Biobank Jena): Evaluating biobank processes – a proficiency test concept to enhance sample quality​
  • R. Baber (Leipzig Medical Biobank): From population-based towards healthcare integrated biobanking - the journey of the Leipzig Medical Biobank​
  • J. Geiger (Interdisciplinary Biobank and Database Würzburg): Advancing Reliability and Trustworthiness of Research Results with the Common Provenance Model for Biological Material and Data​
  • M. Neumann (Interdisciplinary Biobank and Database Würzburg): A Generic Concept for Biobank Services Reimbursement​
  • B. Lorenz-Depiereux (Helmholtz Zentrum München): Systematic molecular analyses of the NAPKON cohorts – an overview​


  • N. Nguyen (GBN): GBN Quality Programme: audit findings and their impact​
  • T. Pfeffer (DZIF Biobank, Heidelberg University Hospital): German Biobank Alliance tissue proficiency test – a sustainable way to assure high quality standards in biobanking​
  • C. Kaufhold-Weidel (NCT Tissue Bank, Heidelberg): The successful accreditation of the Tissue Bank of the NCT Heidelberg according to DIN EN ISO 20387​
  • R. Kretschmer: Ensuring sample quality with certified sample containers​
  • C. Engels (GBN): Aligning Biobanks and Data Integration Centres Efficiently in Germany (ABIDE_MI)​
  • C. Engels (GBN): The Minimum Information About Biobank Data Sharing (MIABIS) standard​
  • N. Eklund (BBMRI-ERIC): Development of the new component “Dataset types” for the Minimum Information About Biobank Data Sharing (MIABIS) standard​
  • J. Geiger (Interdisciplinary Biobank and Database Würzburg): Managing incidental findings at research biobanks

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